Saturday, January 24, 2009

My little hungry monkey

As most of you know I started solids on Monday, at least my August mommas know (hey where are you???? I miss entertaining myself while I worked and Melanie was sleeping). We started with rice cereal and she looooved it but I didn't, it smelled horrible and the other one grain cereal that I had here was oatmeal, and since 3 days had passed I thought it might be okay. So today I prepared Melanie some oatmeal. And it was a mess, she loved so much she was putting her hands in the bowl, grabbing my hand and pulling it towards her mouth. It was chaos but SOO fun, I just love that she is now old enough to interact w/me. (this is the post I was going to write this morning before the benadryl affected me )



  1. awe she is so cute!!!! Yummy Cereal!

  2. LOL! I am glad to see that the benadryl wore off! Yay for cereal! Melanie is precious!
