Tuesday, January 27, 2009

celebrating my birthday

Sooo here's the thing, I spent my weekend out, but when we left the house it wasn't w/the purpose of celebrating. We were just going out. On Sunday night my husband asks my if I had fun celebrating my bday and I was like WTF?? when did we celebrate it? and his answer was... all weekend I thought he was just trying to trick me to thinking that but as my birthday is over I now realize that it's true. I celebrated my bday w/o even a slice of cake :'(, but I had fun.

On Saturday, we went to a city that's 2 hours away to eat at a Mexican restaurant, I had me some fajitas and cheese fondue, afterwards we went walking all over "El Viejo San Juan". I can't believe that Melanie behaved so well. She's such a big girl.

Sunday morning we went to church, like always. When that was over we went to my best friend's house and she cooked rice w/octopus and calamaris and fried stuffed shrimp (I don't really like that kind of food, but I'm not picky) we spent he day playing wii. At 7ish we took Melanie to my mother-in-law's because it was time for some alone time ;D

Lastly today, Monday, I went to collage, rushed home, worked, and slept :(









Saturday, January 24, 2009

My little hungry monkey

As most of you know I started solids on Monday, at least my August mommas know (hey where are you???? I miss entertaining myself while I worked and Melanie was sleeping). We started with rice cereal and she looooved it but I didn't, it smelled horrible and the other one grain cereal that I had here was oatmeal, and since 3 days had passed I thought it might be okay. So today I prepared Melanie some oatmeal. And it was a mess, she loved so much she was putting her hands in the bowl, grabbing my hand and pulling it towards her mouth. It was chaos but SOO fun, I just love that she is now old enough to interact w/me. (this is the post I was going to write this morning before the benadryl affected me )


Alegries Attacked!!

So last night I had a lot of allergies, running, itchy noes, itchy eyes, sneezing, it was awful!!!! this morning I woke up worse... I took a benadryl so bye bye I'm singing off

How I got to be, who I am

Well first of all I’m married; we were living together before we even left high school. Almost a year in we found out we were pregnant. I always wanted to be a young mom but never thought it was going to be THIS young. I was ecstatic and scared shit less at the same time, and my husband was still there and alive and that’s all that mattered to me. It was a very bumpy pregnancy we “broke up” 4 times for a total of 2 hours, morning sickness never ended for me, everything made me mad, the house we were living in got infested w/termites and the owner of the house said he wasn’t going to exterminate. So the house hunting started; we looked at 15 different houses and when I liked it, William (my husband) didn’t like it and vice versa, it was hell!! We finally found the perfect house, in our price range, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and the whole works. We were invited to a church nearby and then we found peace, no more break ups, no more fights just PEACE…. And this is where my fairytale begins