Sooo here's the thing, I spent my weekend out, but when we left the house it wasn't w/the purpose of celebrating. We were just going out. On Sunday night my husband asks my if I had fun celebrating my bday and I was like WTF?? when did we celebrate it? and his answer was... all weekend I thought he was just trying to trick me to thinking that but as my birthday is over I now realize that it's true. I celebrated my bday w/o even a slice of cake :'(, but I had fun.
On Saturday, we went to a city that's 2 hours away to eat at a Mexican restaurant, I had me some fajitas and cheese fondue, afterwards we went walking all over "El Viejo San Juan". I can't believe that Melanie behaved so well. She's such a big girl.
Sunday morning we went to church, like always. When that was over we went to my best friend's house and she cooked rice w/octopus and calamaris and fried stuffed shrimp (I don't really like that kind of food, but I'm not picky) we spent he day playing wii. At 7ish we took Melanie to my mother-in-law's because it was time for some alone time ;D
Lastly today, Monday, I went to collage, rushed home, worked, and slept :(